Shipping Policy:

We deliver all over India and we have partnered with some of the best courier services to deliver your order safely and timely. We try to deliver your parcel in 7-10 business days since the order confirmation day. Sometimes due to pandemic situation, very bad weather conditions, strikes, lockdowns, courier company issues, delivery may get delayed.

While receiving the parcel, if you find it in bad condition or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged, please refuse to accept the package and return the package to the delivery person. In that case take photo of the damaged parcel and whatsapp/email it to us mentioning the incident. We would talk to the courier company and get you fresh parcel.

After receiving the parcel, while opening it, it is mandatory to record a clear video of it. You would need to share this video with us in case you find any damage or discrepancy in your ordered items. This will help both the party in resolving any  potential issue.

Return Policy:

If the product is not delivered to you in working condition and you want to return it, we are here to help.

If the product has any minor wear and tear not causing operational issues, it will not be considered for refund. Only the Items having defects causing operational issues will be considered for return. You must have taken video while unpacking the product to prove that a defective product was delivered to you. You need to inform us within 24 hours from the time you receive the parcel.

You should message us mentioning the defect and the video on our Whatsapp number 7483626985. Any phone call regarding the same will not be considered.

If we find your request to be genuine, we will give you a voucher of equivalent amount to use in future purchase. In such cases, you will have to courier the defective product back to us at your expense.

Order Cancellation Policy:

Order cancellation is only possible till we pack your order. If we have already packed your order, then it can not be altered or cancelled. You can get to know about your order status by messaging us on our Whatsapp number 7483626985.

To cancel your order before its packed, you can Whatsapp us at the same number with the reason of cancellation. There will not be any cancellation charges in this case.

If you need to cancel COD (Cash On Delivery) orders for any unforeseen reason, you would be liable to pay both side courier charges to us.

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